
Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013

Monk vs. Pirates

Hello again,

as i`m currently in southern germany  i had some time to  visit Roman and Raffa from Massive Voodoo (Check them out if you haven´t done yet) paint again.

After my arrival and some fast food we headed straight to their working place (the magic ape cave) and i continued painting on my "Happy-Monk". After some hours (4?) i took a break and looked around...

A really beautiful dusk:

After about 3 hours more of painting, i`ve nearly finished the Monk from Ernst Veingart which i started at a Workshop with Ben Komets (Painting Buddha) this year.
He is not quiet finished, but the last steps might be taken or not...

Furthermore i used tuesday evening after the journey from the apes to my final destination to finish the first PiRrrrrates!

Sorry for the bad pics, but only had my mobile phone cam with me and the light situation is not the best in the hotel... better pictures will follow when alle the pirates ArrrrRRRRr ready!